The Books panel allows you to specify whether each chapter's page numbering continues from the preceding chapter or starts at a specific number.
Additionally, the panel allows you to update the numbering of lists and of endnotes positioned at the end of the book, so their numbering continues from one chapter to the next.
When a chapter is added to a book, its page numbering continues from the preceding chapter by default.
Any chapter's numbering can be set to start at a number of your choice. For example, after a book's front matter, which may be numbered using lower-case Roman numerals, the first proper chapter would start at page 1.
When a list is configured (on the Bullets and Numbering section of the Paragraph panel) to be Global and with Restart Numbering set to Manual Only, the numbering of its items continues from other, earlier lists of their kind in the same document.
Updating list numbering from the Books panel makes such lists continue their numbering from other lists of their kind in earlier chapters, too.
When endnotes are configured (on the Positioning section of the Notes panel) to appear at the end of their book, their numbering will continue across chapters if you also set Restart every to Book in the panel's Numbering section. For example, if the first chapter's endnote bodies are numbered from 1 to 4, the second chapter's would then continue at 5, and so on.
Affinity automatically updates the numbering of pages, global lists and end-of-book endnotes when a book is output, i.e exported or printed. Numbering also automatically updates while you edit your book's contents—for example, when chapters or pages are added or removed. You can choose to repaginate manually if you prefer.
While editing a book, numbering of global lists and end-of-book endnotes occurs only when you manually request it.