Synchronizing chapters

Affinity can synchronize swatches, text styles, table formats and master pages between a book's chapters to ensure consistent presentation throughout a publication.

About synchronizable data

Each of a book's chapters contains an independent copy of swatches, text styles, table formats and master pages.

Editing this data in one chapter means that other chapters are out of sync. This may be intentional as part of your design but commonly you'll want to propagate changes to other chapters, e.g. when changing the font size of headings.

The Books panel allows you to do this easily when required. The process must be manually invoked but it is the most efficient way to reproduce changes across some or all of a book's chapters.

About the Style Source Chapter

The first chapter that is added to a book becomes the book's Style Source Chapter, indicated by a key icon to its left. This status means the chapter contains what you consider to be up-to-date swatches, text styles, table formats and master pages.

The designated Style Source Chapter can be changed at any time, providing flexibility in the editing and propagation of data to your selected chapters (target chapters).

When the data in one or more chapters is outdated or incomplete, they can be synchronized with the Style Source Chapter.

About synchronizing

Synchronization is unidirectional from the Style Source Chapter to target chapters, i.e. it does not alter data in the Style Source Chapter.

Data that exists in a target chapter but not the Style Source Chapter is unaffected by synchronization.

When you synchronize a target chapter with the Style Source Chapter, Affinity considers the following to determine what needs to be copied or updated:

Panel Preferences To set the Style Source Chapter:
  1. On the Books panel, select a chapter.
  2. From the Panel Preferences menu, select Set Style Source Chapter.
Panel Preferences To synchronize data to target chapters:
  1. On the Books panel, select one or more chapters that aren't the Style Source Chapter.
  2. From the Panel Preferences menu, do one of the following:
    • If you know synchronization settings are as needed, select Synchronize.
    • Otherwise, set which data types to synchronize:
      1. Select Synchronize Settings.
      2. Check Swatches, Text Styles, Table Formats and Master Pages as required.
      3. Click Synchronize Now.
      4. Click Close.