Command Controller

The Command Controller allows you to alter the current tool's behaviour using modifier buttons (, , and ), equivalent to modifier keys on a hardware keyboard. It can be shown or hidden at any time via the Document menu.

Command Controller in resting and active states
The Command Controller in its resting state (left) and awake state (right), with all modifiers inactive.

For example, with the Rectangle Tool selected, you can use: the modifier to draw a perfect square; the modifier to make your starting point the centre of your rectangle; or both of these modifiers together to combine their effects.

Using the modifier buttons

The Command Controller awakens when you tap it or drag its centre button, allowing you to change the state of its modifiers. Each modifier can be in one of three states:

Consider the difference between holding and locking in terms of the Shift and Caps Lock keys when typing. You might hold the Shift key to temporarily type one or two upper-case letters. You would turn on the Caps Lock key to more comfortably type a long sequence of upper-case letters.

Held and locked Command Controller states
The Command Controller: (left) awake, with its modifier held; (centre) awake, with its and modifiers locked; (right) resting, with its and modifiers locked

When the Command Controller is awake, all modifier are shown regardless of their state.

When the Command Controller is resting, only its centre button and any modifiers that are locked are shown, as a reminder that operations you perform will be affected.

To use the effects of non-adjacent modifiers, you will need to lock at least one modifier.

To show/hide the Command Controller:
To hold a modifier:
To lock a modifier:

Do one of the following:

To unlock a modifier:

Do one of the following:

Determining modifiers' effects

From the workspace, hold a finger on the question mark (bottom right) to reveal user interface tips. A hintline at the bottom of the screen describes the current tool and any alternative behaviours available by using modifiers.

For a summary of common uses of modifiers, see Using on-screen modifiers.

Positioning and hiding the Command Controller

The Command Controller can be dragged and dropped to any position on screen. It can also be temporarily hidden—including its centre button—with a simple tap, and then shown again by repeating.

To position the Command Controller:
Document Menu To hide/show the Command Controller: