Migrating edited master page content

If you've added content to text or picture frames that are master page objects, this edited content will be migrated by default when replacing your master page(s) with a new master page. These master pages are considered 'smart' as they allow you to retain valuable copy when replacing master pages—for example, in the case of an underlying creative master page rework that should not affect content.

Migrate master pages
Top: Master page with placeholder content
Bottom Left: Publication page showing edited master page frame content (turquoise) and static master page content (dark grey)
Bottom right: New master page's objects (blue) have replaced old master page objects (grey); edited master page frame content is migrated and retained (red).

Smart master page layouts affect where and how images and text are arranged on a page or spread. Master page objects can be arranged to fit a new layout when master page content is migrated, as shown below.

Before migration
After migration
Master page layouts (shown above) can completely change how master page content (shown below) is arranged on migration, allowing you to easily revamp the look of your pages and spreads while retaining all of your valuable content.

How content is migrated

When a new master page replaces an already applied master page, and content has been added to picture frames and text frames inherited from the existing master, Affinity Publisher determines the best destination for each piece of content according to the following rules.

To migrate frame contents when replacing masters:
  1. On the Pages panel, tap the thumbnail of the page whose applied master page you wish to replace.
  2. Select Masters at the top of the panel.
  3. From the thumbnail of the replacement master page, do one of the following:
    • Long press the thumbnail, then tap Replace Current Spread Master.
    • Drag the thumbnail left out of the panel and over the target page in the document view. A preview of where frame content will be migrated is shown. Drop the thumbnail to replace the existing master, or on the pasteboard or panel to cancel.