Colour filters

Use colour filters to add creative colour effects or correct colour anomalies in your photo.

Available filters include:

Filter name Regular filter
Live filter
Auto Colour Automatically applies a colour adjustment to the image. check
Auto Contrast Automatically applies a contrast adjustment to the image. check
Auto Levels Automatically applies a levels adjustment to the image. check
Auto White Balance Automatically applies a white balance adjustment to the image. check
Defringe Removes colour fringing by sampling. check check Defringe live filter type
Detect Edges Isolates all edges in your image. check
Detect Horizontal Edges Isolates horizontal edges in your image. check
Detect Vertical Edges Isolates vertical edges in your image. check
Divide by Alpha Ensures transparency in an image is stored using a non-premultiplied alpha representation. check
Emboss Creates a convex rounded-edge effect. check
Erase White Paper Intelligently removes white and replaces with transparency. check
Fill Fills the layer with a solid colour, history state or inpainting. check
Halftone Simulates continuous tone reproduction. check check Halftone live filter type
Haze Removal Removes unwanted haze in landscape photos. check
Lighting Apply spot and point lighting using multiple light sources. check check
Matte Fills transparent areas with a solid colour. check
Multiply by Alpha Ensures transparency in an image is stored using a premultiplied alpha representation. check
Procedural Texture Allows you to perform a number of pixel manipulations using predetermined functions and user defined variables. check check Procedural texture live filter type
Remove Black Matte Removes black colour fringing around a cut-out automatically. check
Remove White Matte Removes white colour fringing around a cut-out automatically. check
Shadows / Highlights Manipulate the shadow and highlight regions of your image. check check
Solarise Sets lightness above which image colours are inverted. check
Vignette Adds an elliptical surround to your image. check check Vignette live filter type
Voronoi Creates a Voronoi diagram (also known as a Dirichlet tessellation) from a pixel layer. check check Voronoi live filter type