
Affinity Photo 2 lets you make duplicate layers to increase workflow or to temporarily create a 'backup' layer. Move data entry and power duplicate features also allows you to duplicate and repeatedly transform layer contents.

Affinity lets you make copies of your original layer content using several methods.

Layers panel before and after layer duplication.
To duplicate:

Do one of the following:

Duplicate using Move data entry

As well as moving, rotating and sizing an individual object precisely, Move data entry lets you create any number of copies of an object in one operation which, when combined with move, rotate and scale operations, leads to some striking object transformations.

Move data entry has the following characteristics:

Examples of Move data entry
(A) Linear offset (Horizontal: 6mm; Number of copies: 6),
(B) Rotating (Rotation: 30°; Number of copies: 12),
(C) Scaling (Scale: 80% and 110%; Number of copies: 6),
(D) Rotating and Scaling (Rotation: -4°; Scale: 93% and 101%, Number of copies: 50)

You can achieve very different duplication results if you experiment with the Insertion mode option on the dialog.

Insertion mode in front of or behind items
Effects of Insertion mode when set to add duplicates in front of (A) or behind (B) the original item
To duplicate (by Move data entry):
  1. With the Move Tool active, select one or more layers or groups.
  2. Press the to display a Move / Duplicate dialog.
    Move data entry to Duplicate
    Enter new settings that will offset the duplicate(s) from its original position, with optional Angle, Rotation and Scale settings. The Distance setting is the measurement between duplicate layer midpoints.
  3. Check Duplicate and set the Number of copies you want.
  4. (Optional) Choose an Insertion mode to add duplicate objects either in front of (Insert new items in front Insert new items in front) or behind (Insert new items behind Insert new items behind) the original object.
  5. Click OK.

Click Reset to clear previously applied settings and remove the duplicates.

Pressing the will cancel the operation; the entered settings will still be remembered.

Power duplicate

If you duplicate a layer(s) and then transform the duplicated contents, you can immediately duplicate the layer containing the transformed content. The transform is applied accumulatively to subsequent duplicates.

Power duplicate

(A) original content, (B) original content duplicated and rotated, (C) transformed duplicate duplicated numerous times.
To power duplicate:
  1. Select the layer(s).
  2. From the Layer menu, select Duplicate.
  3. Transform the duplicated layer content.
  4. From the Layer menu, select Duplicate. A duplicate is created and the transform is automatically applied to the duplicate.
  5. Repeat step 4 to create more duplicates with the transform accumulatively applied.

Duplicating selections

If you have made a selection, you can immediately duplicate the selected content into a new layer (or layers).

To duplicate selected content:
  1. Select content within the layer(s).
  2. From the Layer menu, select Duplicate Selection.
  3. The selected content will be duplicated into a new layer. If content has been selected across multiple layers, the content will be duplicated into multiple separate new layers.