Layers Studio Layers Studio

The Layers Studio lets you create a tiered document that can be designed more easily by management of layers.

About the Layers Studio

Layers are composited together to form your complete design which shows up on your page.

The Studio can be used to build up your design as multiple layers, with each layer devoted to a particular facet (e.g., lines, shapes, text, adjustments, etc.).

From the Layers Studio you can:

Layers Studio
The Layers Studio in Designer Persona or Pixel Persona.

Studio pin Tap the pin icon in the top right of the Studio to hide the Studio automatically.

More Layer Options include:

Merge and Rasterise Layers Merge and Rasterise—Allows you to either:

Group Layers Group—Groups the currently selected layers.

Add Add pop-up menu—Creates either an empty Vector Layer or Pixel Layer above the currently selected layer, a mask based on the current selection (Mask Layer) or an empty mask that ignores selections (Empty Mask Layer). Use Empty Group to allow objects to be subsequently dragged and dropped into it.

Remove Layers Remove—Deletes the currently selected layer.

From the layers/layer groups, the following options are available: