Create layers

Affinity Designer lets you create and manage layers using the Layers Studio.

Both vector and pixel layers can be created in the Layers Studio that can be used to place objects or lay down pixels in your design. Multiple 'stacked' layers present layer objects or pixels in a logical, ordered and managed manner.

In addition, a child layer of any currently selected layer can be created. Use child layers for more complex multi-object designs where storing related objects in child layers under the parent layer might help object management further. Also use them to restrict adjustments and effects to the child layer only, instead of an entire layer.

Layers or child layers are created above or inside the currently selected layer, respectively.

As well as vector layers, you can create pixel layers when using pixel-based tools. Some tools and effects can only be applied to pixel layers. In many instances, the layer is created automatically by the Assistant if the option is turned on.

Add Layer To create a new layer:

The layer will be placed at the top of your layer stack.

To create a child layer:
Add Layer To create a new pixel layer:

The layer will be placed directly above any selected layer or at the top of your layer stack if no layer is selected.