Cutting objects

Objects can be easily cut up in various ways using the Knife Tool or a Divide Boolean operation.

Cutting objects before
Cutting objects after
Knife Tool: (A) Single-stroke cut and delete, (B) Intersecting multi-stroke cut and delete, (C) Single-stroke cut and separate, (D) Multi-stroke cut and recolour of fragments.
Cutting curves before
Cutting curves after
Knife Tool: (A) Cutting a single curve with two tapped scissor cuts and (B) cutting multiple straight lines simultaneously using a single-stroke cut. Unwanted curve fragment(s) are subsequently deleted in both.
Cutting objects before
Cutting objects after
Divide Boolean operation: splitting an object with a Bézier curve (drawn with the Pen Tool).

About cutting

Two techniques are possible using different features:

For either technique, instead of repositioning, reshaping or deleting specific fragments after cutting, you can simply recolour each fragment independently.

Cutting works irrespective of layers. You can cut across any selection of objects as long as the selection is in place.

About partial cutting

Partially cutting into an object will create a split, i.e. a 'closed up' cut with each side of the cut touching. The appearance is of a single stroke but editing either curve (by moving overlapped/overlapping node apart) will open the cut.

Intersecting cuts

When you draw a series of separate strokes that intersect each other, you create a polycurve that cuts out the underlying object.

Knife Tool Move Tool To cut shapes (Knife Tool):
  1. Select the Knife Tool.
  2. (Optional) Choose to cut with a straight line by enabling the Straight Line option on the context toolbar. By default, you'll cut using a drawn freehand line.
  3. (Optional) For smoother freehand lines, choose a Stabiliser option on the tool's context toolbar using a Rope Stabiliser or Windows Stabiliser mode; use the former for redirecting a smoothed path using a draggable rope that can introduce sharp corners; the latter for a consistently smooth curve.
  4. Drag the cursor across the shape.
  5. With the Move Tool enabled, do any of the following:
    • Drag the newly split fragments apart after reselection.
    • With two fingers held on the document view, select any unwanted fragment by tapping with another finger, and then tap Delete (at the lower left of the workspace).
    • Select a fragment and recolour with the Colour panel.
Knife Tool To cut curves (Knife Tool):
  1. Select the Knife Tool.
  2. Tap on a selected curve's target node or anywhere along a curve segment.
  3. Tap to make the cut(s).
  4. Do one of the following:
    • With two fingers held down, edit the curve (Node Tool behaviour).
    • With the modifier held, tap on a curve to delete it.
    • Use Separate curves on the Edit Menu (Operations) to create separate curves from the polycurve, then reposition the curves independently.
Pen Tool Move Tool Divide To cut objects using Bézier curves (Divide Boolean operation):
  1. With the Pen Tool, draw a Bézier curve(s) over an object.
  2. With the Move Tool, select the curve(s) and the underlying object.
  3. On the context toolbar's Geometry pop-up menu, select Divide.

The Divide operation will remove the pen strokes by default, although you can retain them by pressing the during the Divide operation.