Edit curves and shapes

Lines, curves and shapes are easily edited using the Node Tool.

Line example

You can quickly change between the Move Tool and the Node Tool to speed up your workflow. With the Move Tool active, double-tapping on a shape will enable the Node Tool, which can be then used to edit that shape. Double-tap on the shape again to reactivate the Move Tool. Similarly, while editing open-filled curves with the Node Tool, you can double-tap a fill to activate the Move Tool.

Node Tool To edit lines, curves and shapes:
  1. Select the Node Tool.
  2. Tap to select the line, curve or shape.
  3. Do one of the following to change the curvature of segments:
    • Tap a node (a) and drag to reposition.
    • Drag a control handle (b) to accentuate or lessen curvature.
    • Tap anywhere on a line segment (c) and drag.
Sharp Corner Smooth Corner Smart Corner To convert nodes to a different type:
To add nodes:
Split Curve To split curves with a new node:
  1. Tap to select the node before the adjoining curve segment you want to add a midpoint node to.
  2. From the context toolbar, tap Split.

Reverse Which segment is split depends on the current curve orientation (indicated by a red-line indicator). Use Reverse to change this curve orientation or reselect an adjacent node to split from.

Delete To delete a selected node:
To close curves:

Do one of the following:

Break To break (split) curves:
Smooth To smooth curves:
Join To join separate curves:
  1. With the Node Tool enabled, select two separate curves.
  2. Tap Join on the context toolbar. A straight line segment connects between the two curves.
Reverse To reverse curves:

The start node will be toggled from clockwise to anticlockwise. With a closed curve selected, this direction can be viewed when Show Orientation (on the context toolbar) is toggled on (default). With an open curve selected, the direction of the curve is swapped, ready for further drawing from the opposite end of the curve.

To fill holes in a shape:
  1. From Edit>Operations select Fill Holes.
To remove inner curves within an open curve (or closed curve):
  1. From Edit>Operations select Remove Inner Curves. Edit>Fill Mode>Winding must be enabled.

This operates on a per layer basis.