Using on-screen modifiers

You can use the Command Controller's modifier buttons to affect various tools' behaviours in useful ways.

Some modifier key behaviours, such as Ignore Snapping, take effect when the key is held after you start using a tool.

Designer Persona Designer Persona

Action Modifier Description When using…


Constrains what is drawn either to an aspect ratio, e.g. to a square, or to straight lines.

  • Node Tool Node Tool
  • Point Transform Tool Point Transform Tool
  • Corner Tool Corner Tool
  • Pencil Tool Pencil Tool
  • Vector Brush Tool Vector Brush Tool
  • Pen Tool Pen Tool
  • Gradient Tool Gradient Tool
  • Rectangle Tool Shape tools (Rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, etc)

Ignore Snapping

Prevents snapping during drawing and transform operations.

  • Node Tool Node Tool
  • Point Transform Tool Point Transform Tool
  • Corner Tool Corner Tool
  • Pencil Tool Pencil Tool
  • Vector Brush Tool Vector Brush Tool
  • Pen Tool Pen Tool
  • Gradient Tool Gradient Tool
  • Rectangle Tool Shape tools (Rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, etc)


Prevents an object being scaled while it is rotated.

  • Point Transform Tool Point Transform Tool

Complementary tool behaviour

Switches the current tool's behaviour to that of its complementary tool.

  • Pen Tool Pen Tool (switches to Node Tool behaviour)


Moves fill.

  • Gradient Tool Gradient Tool

To Palette

Adds the sampled colour to the document palette.

  • Colour Picker Tool Colour Picker Tool

Pixel Persona Pixel Persona

Action Modifier Description When using…


Constrains what is drawn either to an aspect ratio, e.g. to a square, or to straight lines.

  • Freehand Selection Tool Freehand Selection Tool
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool Marquee selection tools (Rectangular, Elliptical, Row, Column)

Constrain / Continue

As per the Constrain behaviour but, when painting brush strokes, continues from the end of the previously drawn stroke.

  • Paint Brush Tool Paint Brush Tool
  • Erase Brush Tool Erase Brush Tool
  • Pixel Brush Tool Pixel Brush Tool
  • Smudge Brush Tool Smudge Brush Tool

Pick Colour

Picks a colour without the need to select the Colour Picker Tool.

  • Paint Brush Tool Paint Brush Tool
  • Pixel Brush Tool Pixel Tool


Switches to the alternate painting mode that is selected on the tool's context toolbar.

  • Pixel Brush Tool Pixel Tool

Toggle Snapping

Toggles selection snapping to edges.
  • Selection Brush Tool Smart Selection Brush Tool


Adds pixels to the current selection. If nothing is currently selected, creates a pixel selection.

  • Freehand Selection Tool Freehand Selection Tool
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool Marquee selection tools (Rectangular, Elliptical, Row, Column)


Removes pixels from the current selection.

  • Freehand Selection Tool Freehand Selection Tool
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool Marquee selection tools
    (Rectangular, Elliptical, Row, Column)


Moves fill (Gradient Tool) or moves layer with the current pixel selection (selection tools).

  • Gradient Tool Gradient Tool
  • Freehand Selection Tool Freehand Selection Tool
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool Marquee selection tools
    (Rectangular, Elliptical, Row, Column)

To Palette

Adds the sampled colour to the document palette.

  • Colour Picker Tool Colour Picker Tool