Special characters and glyphs

Special characters and glyphs can be added to your text from any font installed on your device.

Commonly used items can be inserted via the on-screen keyboard.

Additional characters/glyphs can be inserted via the Glyph Browser panel, which allows you to view insert glyphs, Unicode characters or Unicode characters with alternates.

Commonly used characters available from the on-screen keyboard are:

Category name Character name Displayed character Unicode character code
Breaks Line Break U+2028
Column Break
Frame Break
Page Break U+000C
Odd Page Break
Even Page Break
Symbols Bullet U+2022
Dagger U+2020
Double Dagger U+2021
Ellipsis U+2026
Inverted Question Mark ¿ U+00BF
Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ U+00A1
Copyright © U+00A9
Trademark U+2122
Registered Trademark ® U+00AE
Paragraph Marker U+00B6
Section Marker § U+00A7
Maths Plus Minus ± U+00B1
Multiply × U+00D7
Divide ÷ U+00F7
Approximately Equal U+2248
Not Equal U+2260
Less Than or Equal U+2264
Greater Than or Equal U+2265
Degree ° U+00B0
Per Mille U+2030
Pi π U+03C0
Infinity U+221E
Quotation Marks Double Left Quote U+201C
Double Right Quote U+201D
Single Left Quote U+2018
Single Right Quote U+2019
Double Base Quote U+201E
Single Base Quote U+201A
Left Guillemet « U+00AB
Right Guillemet » U+00BB
Single Left Guillemet U+2039
Single Right Guillemet U+203A
Dashes and Hyphens Em Dash U+2014
En Dash U+2013
Figure Dash U+2012
Soft Hyphen U+00AD
Non-Breaking Hyphen U+2011
Spaces and Tabs Em Space U+2003
En Space U+2002
Non-Breaking Space U+00A0
Narrow Non-Breaking Space U+202F
Zero-Width Space U+200B
Hair Space U+200A
Sixth Space U+2006
Thin Space U+2009
Quarter Space U+2005
Third Space U+2004
Punctuation Space U+2008
Figure Space U+2007
Zero-Width Non-Joiner U+200C
Tab U+0009
Right Indent Tab
Indent to Here

Other characters you may encounter while editing text:

Character name Unicode character code
Zero-Width Joiner U+200D
Paragraph Break
End of Story
Pin position
Index mark
Insert Menu To add commonly used special characters/glyphs:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. Tap the on-screen keyboard's Insert button.
  3. Swipe horizontally on the keyboard to locate the required character/glyph, then tap it.
Toggle Preview Mode To show special characters (paragraph marks, spaces and breaks) in text:
To insert characters using the Glyph Browser panel:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. On the Text panel, open the Glyph Browser section.
  3. Select a Font, Font style and Subset from the pop-up menu options.
  4. Double-tap a glyph to add it at the insertion point.