Document units

Document units allow you to set a physical measurement unit for your document that suits your way of working, whether imperial, metric or in pixels.

As you create a new document, its document units will be set depending on the preset chosen. For example, presets for A-series page sizes will use millimeters as default, while US page sizes and photo page sizes use inches; for web-related page sizes, pixels are used.

You'll encounter document units when you're:

At any time, you can change your document units. The setting is saved with the document.

To set your document units for new documents:
  1. On Affinity's Home screen, tap New and select New Document.
  2. Choose a preset, which sets the document units accordingly.
  3. (Optional) On the General tab, set Document units to the required measurement unit.
To change your document units at any time:
  1. On the Document menu, select Document Setup.
  2. In the Document section of the dialog that appears, set Document units to the required measurement unit.
  3. Tap OK.