Opening packages

When an .afpackage file is opened, Affinity Publisher displays the Package Document dialog to inform the recipient of the package's contents, including any font and image issues they may need to resolve.

The dialog's Fonts section after opening a packaged document.

Dealing with font issues

When opening a package, the dialog's Fonts section displays additional columns.

Discuss font licensing with the package's provider/recipient accordingly.

Installing fonts

Fonts listed as Missing in the Status column are not installed on the current device.

If such a font is included in the package, turn on the switch in its Install column to make the font available only to Affinity Publisher and only for the current session. This enables the recipient to export and print the document as is.

If the document needs to be edited and fonts not installed on the current device are included in the package's Fonts folder, use the Fonts section of your Affinity app's Preferences to install the fonts.

Dealing with image issues

Consult the package's provider if an image is reported as Missing. They may have removed it from the package due to licensing restrictions that prevent it being shared.

You will not need to locate images listed as Present. When packaging, Affinity Publisher updates a document's links to these resources to use the files in the package's Images folder.

Open To open a package:
  1. From Affinity's Home screen, tap Open.
  2. Browse to the .afpackage file and tap it.
  3. Review the summary of fonts and images.
  4. (Optional) On the Package Document dialog, select Fonts. For any font that's listed as Missing, turn on its switch in the Install column.
  5. Tap Open.
  6. (Optional) On the Resource Manager panel, relink any images marked as Missing.