Add, arrange and remove pages

The number of pages in your document can be determined at document setup. After this, the Pages panel is used to add more publication pages and master pages to your publication. Once created, pages can be rearranged, removed and duplicated from the panel's Manage Pages section.

The panel's topmost item switches between displaying master pages and publication pages.

Pages panel

About master pages

Master pages act like templates, in that a master page can be shared by multiple publication pages. If you edit a master page at a later date, then all other pages to which it has been applied will update to the new design instantly, although you can override master page content and design at any time.

Add Pages To add pages:
  1. On the Pages panel, select Pages from the topmost control.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To add new pages after the active page1, tap Add.
    • To add new pages at any other location, long press Add. On the dialog that appears, enter the Number of Pages you want to add, the page before (or after) which pages should be added, and which master page (if any) to assign to the new pages.

1 The active page's entry on the Pages panel has a lighter grey background than others.

Duplicate To duplicate pages:

On the Pages panel, do one of the following:

  1. Tap the thumbnail of a page (or master page) to make it the active page, then tap Duplicate. The duplicate page is added after the active page.
  2. Tap Manage Pages or Manage Masters, tap the pages you want to duplicate (so they are marked with a tick, i.e. selected), then tap Duplicate. The duplicate pages are added after the last selected page.
To arrange (reorder) pages:
To set page/spread properties:
  1. On the Pages panel, long press the thumbnail of a page (or master page).
  2. Select Spread Properties.
Remove Pages To remove pages:

On the Pages panel, do one of the following: