Importing InDesign documents

You can import Adobe InDesign documents (IDML) into Affinity Publisher.

About importing InDesign documents

The importing of documents in Affinity Publisher is a one-way process. You cannot overwrite the original file once it has been imported. Imported documents must be saved as an .afpub file.

Affinity Publisher can import InDesign files that have been saved in IDML (InDesign Markup Language) format, which is available in InDesign CS4 and later. With earlier versions of InDesign, you can export documents to PDF and then import that format directly into Affinity Publisher.

The dpi (dots per inch) setting of the resulting Affinity Publisher document is decided as follows:

A document's dpi setting can be changed at any time via the Document menu (Document Setup).

Open To import an Adobe InDesign (IDML) file:
  1. From the Home screen, tap Open.
  2. On the pop-up menu, select Import Document to access your local or cloud storage.
  3. Navigate to and tap the file you want to open.
  4. If linked resources are not found, you will be asked whether you want to locate them. You can tap:
    • Yes to locate missing resources one at a time.
    • Resource Manager to review missing resources and locate only those required at this time.
    • No to open the document without locating anything. Items can be located later using the Resource Manager panel.