Notes panel

The Notes panel allows you to insert footnotes, sidenotes and endnotes into your documents.

Each note consists of a reference at the position of insertion, and a note body, which is normally labeled with the same reference and whose position depends on the note type and your chosen settings.

About the Notes panel

The Notes panel also allows you to customize visual attributes of references and note bodies, including the character and paragraph styles applied to them.

Notes panel

The Notes panel.


The following settings are available from the panel:


Default document settings for notes

Documents include default note settings at their time of creation. For example, endnotes automatically use the 1, 2, 3, … number style, include hyperlinked references, and are preceded with the 'Endnotes' heading.

The Notes panel allows you to save your preferred settings for each type of note as defaults for your document, so that notes inserted in future automatically use them.

The panel also allows you to revert notes with undesirable settings to the document's defaults. This can be done for notes in a selection or throughout your whole document.

To make the selected note's settings the default for your document:
  1. Select the note's reference in story text or a portion of its body text.
  2. On the Notes panel, select the note's type.
  3. From the Panel Preferences menu, select Update Document Settings from Selected Footnotes, Update Document Settings from Selected Sidenotes or Update Document Settings from Selected Endnotes.
To revert one or more notes to your document's default note settings:
  1. On the Notes panel, select the note type and scope to affect.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select a range of text that encompasses the references of only the notes you wish to revert. From the Panel Preferences menu, select Revert Selected Footnotes to Document Settings, Revert Selected Sidenotes to Document Settings or Revert Selected Endnotes to Document Settings.
    • From the Panel Preferences menu, select Revert All Footnotes to Document Settings, Revert All Sidenotes to Document Settings or Revert All Endnotes to Document Settings.
To save a document's default note settings as app defaults:
To reset the current document's note settings to factory defaults:

Converting notes to another note type

Existing notes of one type can be converted to another type.

The conversion process changes the styling of the note to match other notes of the target type and moves note bodies to the correct position.

To convert all notes of one type in your document:
  1. From the Panel Preferences menu, select Convert Notes.
  2. On the dialog, set the types of note you want to convert from and to.
  3. Set Scope to Entire Document.
  4. Click OK.
To convert all notes of one type within a selection:
  1. Do one of the following:
    • To convert multiple notes, select one or more text frames, or all or part of a story's text.
    • To convert an individual note, select its reference in story text, or position the insertion point within its note body.
  2. From the Panel Preferences menu, select Convert Selection to Footnotes, Convert Selection to Sidenotes or Convert Selection to Endnotes.