
The margin is the area between the main content of the page and the page edges (or spread and spread edges). Margins are shown as a blue solid line by default, but this color can be changed. Margins can be set evenly or unevenly depending on the page orientation.

Uniform margins on single page spread (A) and mirrored margins on facing page spread (B).

Page margins are set up with each new document when it is created, and can then be edited at a later point via Document Setup. Margins can also be inherited from any assigned master page, replacing the page's current margin settings.

When determining the size of your page margin, it is important to consider how text-intensive the design will be, as well as the page layout and orientation. For printing purposes, you may for example consider allotting additional space to the inside margins of facing pages so text does not disappear in the page gutter.

Design elements positioned outside the margins may not be printed.

Margin positions can be defined manually or by using the settings of an installed printer. They are non-printing and non-exporting.

To create a new document with margins:
  1. On the File menu, select New.
  2. From the dialog, check Include margins.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For single pages (Facing pages unchecked in Pages section): Set the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom margins.
    • For two-page spreads (Facing pages checked in Pages section): Set the Inner, Outer, Top, and Bottom margins.
To change page (master page) margins:
  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Pages panel, -click a page (master page) thumbnail, and select Spread Properties.
    • From the default context toolbar, or File menu, select Document Setup.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the pop-up dialog, change margin values in the Margins tab.
    • Click Retrieve Margin from Printer to automatically set margins to the settings of your desktop printer.
To hide/show margins:
To change the margin color: