Linking custom content across apps

Custom content you have created in Affinity or imported from an add-on file is initially available in one app.

With a couple of clicks, you can link custom content to all Affinity V2 (or later) apps on the same device.

You can link individual categories on the Adjustment, Assets, Brushes, Library and Styles panels, and individual application palettes on the Swatches panel.

Linking and Affinity Fonts

The ability for Affinity Fonts to be linked to all Affinity V2 apps depends on how they were installed.

If installed via the Account feature, they are automatically linked to all Affinity apps. This is the recommended installation method.

If imported from .affont files, they are not and cannot be linked. They must be imported separately into each Affinity app.

Linked content statuses

Categories and application palettes that are linked or were installed via Account display one of the following icons next to their name:

Editing linked content

When a linked category or palette is edited in one Affinity app, the changes are automatically reflected in your other Affinity apps on the same device, avoiding the concern that it might be outdated in some of them.

Duplicating linked content

When a linked category or palette is duplicated, the new copy is unlinked, i.e. it is unaffected by editing the original category or palette. You might use this, for example, to create a further customized version of a brushes category for use only in Affinity Designer.

Deleting linked content

When a linked category or palette is deleted in an Affinity app, it is deleted only from that app. It remains linked in other Affinity apps until it is deleted from all but one of them.

For example, you might want a palette that is optimized for a CMYK workflow to be linked in Affinity Designer and Affinity Publisher, but not in Affinity Photo if you use it exclusively for RGB documents. In Affinity Photo 2, you might duplicate the linked CMYK palette to create an unlinked copy of it, delete the unwanted CMYK palette, and then optimize the unlinked copy for your RGB workflow.

To link/duplicate/delete a category or palette

Document templates

Unlike other types of custom content, document templates are made available in Affinity by adding their containing folder to the New Document dialog in each app separately.