Exporting add-ons

Custom content (with the exception of fonts) can be exported as an add-on file to share with other people or import into your other apps.

To export add-ons

For any type of add-on listed in the table below, follow the corresponding steps, then browse to where you want to export your add-on as a file and click Save.

Add-on type File extensions To export
Assets .afassets

On the Assets panel:

  1. Select the category to export.
  2. Select Export Assets from the Panel Preferences menu.
Document templates .aftemplate Open the required document, then select File>Export as Template.
Styles .afstyles

On the Styles panel:

  1. Select the category to export.
  2. Select Export Styles from the Panel Preferences menu.
Swatches palettes .afpalette

On the Swatches panel:

  1. Select the palette to export.
  2. Select Export Palette from the Panel Preferences menu.