About cross-references

A cross-reference refers the reader from one place in a publication's text to another place, such as a chapter, a note or a figure. For example, "For more information, see Spring-Flowering Shrubs on page 32."

An example cross-reference
A cross-reference that displays the numbered list item (A) and page number (B) of its target.

Cross-references are inserted into document text and managed using the Cross-References panel.

Each cross-reference in document text is a field, which allows its value to be easily updated as your publication's content changes.

Inserting cross-references

When you insert a cross-reference, the Insert Cross-Reference dialog is shown.

Insert Cross-Reference dialog
The Insert Cross-Reference dialog.

On the dialog:

Topics linked below explain how to set a cross-reference's target, text and formatting.

Editing existing cross-references

The options shown when editing cross-references differ depending on how many are selected on the Cross-References panel.

When one cross-reference is selected, you can edit any of its settings, i.e. the full range of target, text and formatting options that were available when inserting the cross-reference.

When multiple cross-references are selected, you can edit their text and formatting but not their targets. This allows you to easily ensure multiple cross-references have the same phrasing and appearance.

Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog
Editing multiple cross-references.
To insert a cross-reference:
  1. Create an insertion point in text.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Insert Cross-Reference On the Cross-References panel, select Insert Cross-Reference.
    • -click the text and select Insert Cross-Reference.
  3. On the dialog that appears:
    • Select the required target's type from the Link to pop-up menu.
    • (Optional) Use the filter options to limit what is shown in the targets list.
    • Select the required target from the targets list.
    • Set the Text to display in document text.
    • (Optional) Select a character style and the parts of the cross-reference's text to apply it to, from the Style override and For pop-up menus, respectively
  4. Select OK.

Options for setting a cross-reference's text and formatting are explained in topics linked below.

To edit an existing cross-reference:

On the Cross-References panel:

  1. Select one or more cross-references.
  2. Edit Cross-Reference Select Edit Cross-Reference.
  3. On the dialog that appears, set the target, text and formatting options as required.
  4. Select OK.
To convert cross-references to regular text:

The cross-reference is removed from the Cross-References panel. Its value remains in the document as regular text and can be edited directly.

A cross-reference is automatically converted to regular text when deleted via the Cross-References panel.

To navigate to a cross-reference's target:

On the Cross-References panel:

  1. Select the cross-reference.
  2. Go to Target Select Go to Target.

An insertion point is created at the target's position.

To navigate to a cross-reference's field in document text:

On the Cross-References panel:

  1. Select the cross-reference's entry.
  2. Go to Cross-Reference Select Go to Cross-Reference.

The document view jumps to the cross-reference's field. The field is selected.

To remove cross-references:

On the Cross-References panel:

  1. Select the unwanted cross-references. (-click to select more than one.)
  2. Select Remove Cross-References.
  3. Select Yes to convert the cross-reference's field to regular text.
  4. (Optional) To remove the resulting text from your document, do one of the following:
    • If you selected one cross-reference, or if you selected multiple cross-references and their fields were in the same text object (including a sequence of linked text frames), the resulting text is automatically selected. Press the to remove it.
    • If you selected multiple cross-references and their fields were in different text objects (excluding a sequence of linked text frames), you will need to inspect your document text and manually remove any unwanted text.

Alternatively, to remove a single cross-reference, -click its field in document text and then select Cut to remove it from document text and the Cross-References panel.