The Assets panel is a useful storage area for saving page elements that you might want to reuse at a later date.
About asset browsing
If you've built up a selection of custom assets stored across different categories, they can be browsed in two ways:
By scrolling through custom categories and subcategories you've created.
By using the search bar at the bottom of the panel to narrow your search, or to locate a specific named asset.
To browse assets (by category):
Click on the pop-up menu at the top of the Assets panel to view a selection of asset categories that you can browse from.
Select an asset category to browse through the assets within that category.
To browse assets (by subcategory):
Scroll through the asset subcategories to browse the assets included within each category. To make browsing easier, you can expand and collapse subcategories to hide or reveal the assets.
To apply a search filter:
Type the word or letter you want to search for into the search bar, found at the bottom of the panel.