Linking text frames

A powerful feature of Affinity Publisher is the ability to link text across multiple text frames, either on the same page or across different pages.


There are two basic ways to set up a linked sequence of frames:

When a text frame is selected, the frame includes a triangular Text Flow button at the bottom right of the text frame (red or blue). Irrespective of whether the frame text is overflowing, you can click this to draw out another text frame linked to the originating text frame.

Unlinked frame Linked overflowing text To link the selected frame to an existing unlinked frame:
  1. Click the frame's triangular Text Flow button when you see the cursor change (Unlink text frame).
  2. Click anywhere on the frame to be linked to.

A connecting line links the two text frames.

To link the selected frame to a newly drawn frame:
To remove a text frame from the frame sequence:
  1. From the Tools panel, select the Move Tool.
  2. Select the text frame, then press the .
  3. Select the text frame, then press the .

The previous and next frames will maintain frame linkage.

Linked frame To unlink a text frame from the frame sequence:
  1. From the Tools panel, select the Move Tool.
  2. Select the text frame to be unlinked, then click the 'previous' and/or 'next' Text Flow buttons (top left or bottom right, respectively).
  3. Click within the frame when the unlink cursor (Unlink test frame) appears.