Adjustments panel Adjustments panel

The Adjustments panel allows you to apply colour and tonal corrections to your image non-destructively, i.e., without making permanent changes to the underlying pixels.

About the Adjustments panel

The Adjustment panel presents colour and tonal adjustments under adjustment type (e.g., HSL) as a series of preset thumbnails.

Adjustments panel
The Adjustments panel.

Navigating adjustment types at the top of the panel may also offer additional thumbnails for that type, with each thumbnail applying an adjustment intended for specific uses (e.g., Desaturate); tapping on a thumbnail applies that preset.

The adjustment is added as an adjustment layer above the active pixel layer in your layer stack.

As you apply a preset you can fine-tune the preset's settings, optionally creating the modified adjustment as a new preset; this is saved as a new thumbnail available from the 'adjustment type' navigation buttons at the top of the panel.


The following settings are available in the panel:

The following general settings are available when applying any adjustment. Settings preceding these are specific to the adjustment.