Using channels

The image or document's colour mode determines the number and type of colour channels available to you. Each channel stores colour information specific to it, which, when combined with other channels, brings about the full colour image. For example, a red channel would store only red colour information in RGB colour mode.

Channel information is displayed in the Channels panel.

Separated out colour channels of a CMYK image.

The colour channels of a CMYK image separated out.

Composited colour channels of a CMYK image.

The composite of the above image's colour channels.

Colour modes and channels

For each colour mode, the following channels are available:

Image and layer channels

The Channels panel always displays an image's channels when loaded. From an image channel you can:

For any currently selected layer (pixel, mask, adjustment or live filter), the layer's channel(s) are displayed in the bottom part of the panel. From each layer's channel you can:

Alpha channels

The Channels panel also displays the alpha channel for the whole image or currently selected pixel, mask, adjustment, or live filter layer. These channels store transparency information, so it's a great place for more advanced masking control.

Pixel selections

Another great use of alpha channels is the ability to store more complex selections that would otherwise be difficult or time consuming to recreate again. The Channels panel reports your current pixel selection as a channel entry, so by creating a 'new' Spare Channel from that pixel selection you've stored the selection for future use.

Pixel selections and masks

Because alpha channels store both selection and masks, the Channels panel acts as a great central point for working between masks and selections.

Blend ranges

You can control how specific colour channels of the current layer blend with the underlying layer(s). For more information, see Layer blend ranges.