Rotating and shearing

Layer content can be rotated and sheared directly on the page using the Move Tool.

Before and after rotate and shear applied.

Positioning the cursor around the bounding box of your layer content and then dragging will allow you to rotate or shear the layer content. Feedback is provided by the following cursors.

Rotate cursor Rotate cursor Shear cursor Shear cursor

Rotation is also possible about a custom transform origin positioned on your page.

Move Tool To rotate layer content:
  1. With the Move Tool, select layer content on a chosen layer.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the selected layer content's rotation handle.
    • Position the cursor close to a corner handle and drag on the page.
    • From the Arrange menu, select a rotate option.
To rotate layers to same:
  1. Select multiple layers, ensuring the layer previously rotated is selected first. To do this, use -click to target it first or a marquee selection that encompasses it first.
  2. Match Rotation On the Toolbar, click Alignment, then set the Make Same option, choosing Rotation.
  3. Click Apply.
To rotate layers to a targeted rotated key object:
  1. Select multiple layers.
  2. With the pressed, click the target rotated key object (i.e., a layer). The selected key object will possess a strong outline.
  3. Match Rotation On the Toolbar, click Alignment, then set the Make Same option, choosing Rotation.
To undo the rotation:
Transform Origin To move the transform origin:
  1. Select layer content.
  2. Select the Move Tool, then click Enable Transform Origin on the context toolbar. The origin shows centrally within the selected layer content.
  3. Drag the origin to a new position in the selected layer content or anywhere on the page.

Once you've moved the origin, you can rotate your layer content about it as described above. If using the Transform panel, rotation is about this custom origin unless you choose to override this and use the panel's Anchor point selector instead.

To reset the transform origin back to its original position:
Move Tool To shear layer content:
  1. Select layer content on a chosen layer.
  2. Position the cursor close to a side handle and drag on the page.
To undo the shear: