App and document windows

When the Affinity app first opens, the workspace will be presented in a single app window. This means that all panels will be neatly docked together so that all controls are at your fingertips and easy to find. Any opened document will be docked in the workspace and will occupy the central document view.

App and document windows

About app windows

Affinity apps offer both maximised/full screen and windowed views.

Maximised/Full screen

In this view, your Affinity app is effectively maximised to its own desktop, giving you every available pixel to work with.


When the Affinity app opens for the very first time, it will display in a window which fits approximately 95% of your screen. You can change the size of this window at any time by dragging the window corners.

When maximised, the Affinity app will fill the entire available screen space, excluding the area occupied by the taskbar at the bottom.


When the Affinity app opens for the very first time, it will display in a window which fills approximately three-quarters of the screen. You can change the size of this window at any time.

About 'tearable' document windows

While there is only one app window, you can have one or more document windows per open document. By default, documents are docked to the workspace (viewed as tabs under the context toolbar) but these can be 'torn' away from the tab bar to make them independent undocked, floating windows.

Floating document windows
To resize an app or document window:
To switch the app to be full screen:

Do one of the following:

  • Full screen On the title bar, click the green button on the left.
  • From the Window menu, select Toggle Full Screen.
To switch the app to be full screen:

Do one of the following:

  • On the title bar, click the Affinity icon on the left and select Maximise.
  • Maximise On the title bar, click the Maximise icon on the right.
To minimise or zoom (maximise) a document window:

Do one of the following:

  • Minimise Zoom On the title bar, click the minimise or zoom button on the left.
  • From the Window menu, select either Minimise or Zoom.
To minimise or zoom (maximise) a document window:

Do one of the following:

  • On the title bar, click the Affinity icon on the left and select Minimise or Maximise.
  • Minimise Maximise On the title bar, click the Minimise or Maximise icon on the right.
To restore an app or document window from maximised:

Do one of the following:

  • On the title bar, click the Affinity icon on the left and select Restore.
  • Restore On the title bar, click the Restore icon on the right.

When switching back to being windowed, the window will return to the size it was at before being maximised.

To float docked documents:

Do one of the following:

  • Drag a document tab to the workspace and release.
  • From the Window menu, select Float View to Window.
To float docked documents:

Do one of the following:

  • Drag an open document tab to the workspace and release.
  • From the Window menu, select Arrange>Float for a displayed open document, or Arrange>Float All for all docked documents.
To dock a document window with another:
To redock multiple floating windows:

Do one of the following:

Zoom To move floating windows:
  • Hover over the floating window's green button, then choose Move Window to Left Side of Screen or Move Window to Left Side of Screen from the menu.
Full screen To tile the app window to the left or right of the screen:
  1. Hover over the green button on the app title bar until an additional set of options appear.
  2. Choose Tile Window to Left of Screen or Tile Window to Right of Screen to display the Affinity app on the left or right side of the screen.

Other app windows you have open may be arranged on the remaining side of the screen by using equivalent options on those apps.