Library panel

The Library panel stores macros and allows them to be applied to the current document via a single click. Both stock macros and custom saved or imported macros appear in this panel.

About the Library panel

The Library panel is available from the Photo Persona; it can be switched on via the Window menu. It is also shown automatically when a macro is saved from the Macro panel.

Library panel

The Library panel.

For more information on how to record, edit and use macros, see Macros.


The following options are available in the panel:

Panel Preferences The following options are available from panel preferences:

Panel Preferences The following options are available from the category option menus:

To export a macro category:
  1. Click the options menu to the right of the category's name.
  2. Select Export Macros.
  3. Browse to the location where you want to save the .afmacros file.
  4. Click Save.