32-bit HDR editing

Affinity Photo 2 has full support for 32-bit float editing, including import/export for OpenEXR and Radiance formats. Compared to 8-bit or 16-bit, 32-bit presents an unbounded colour space that can contain a vast amount of tonal information. This means the information can be modified to extremes without losing fidelity or accuracy. For example, highlight detail blown out by an adjustment or filter can be recovered even after successive operations.

Support is included for HDR (High Dynamic Range) or EDR (Extended Dynamic Range) compliant displays, enabling a much higher peak brightness to be dispayed on-screen. See the 32-bit Preview panel topic for more information.

Uses for 32-bit HDR

Popular uses for 32-bit editing include:


3D render passes

Before: Base HDR colour render pass of a 3D scene. After: Base HDR colour tone mapped and blended with scene colour pass.

Exposure merging for greater dynamic range

Before: Single exposure from camera. After: 7 bracketed exposures merged and lightly tone mapped.