
When you save your document all project information is preserved, allowing you to edit it at a later date. The project is saved as a single file with the extension .afphoto.

The first time you save your document, you'll be asked to give the project a name and save location. Following this, future saves will overwrite the previous version.

Optionally, you can save a current project as a new project. In this case, the new file will not overwrite the saved version.

Unsaved changes to a document are indicated by [Modified] to the right of the document's name at the top of its tab/window.

Unsaved changes to a document are indicated by [Modified] or [M] to the right of the document's name at the top of its tab/window, and (in Normal mode) by a star to the right of the current document's name at the top of the app's window.

To save as a new project:
  1. From the File menu, select Save As.
  2. Adjust the dialog settings as required.
  3. Click Save.
To save the current project:
To save history with a document:
  1. From the File menu, select Save History With Document.
  2. In the Saving With History dialog, click Yes to accept the conditions discussed in the dialog.
  3. Save your document.
To save the current project as a template:
  • From the File menu, select Save As.
  • Save your file with a .aftemplate extension.