Affinity Photo lets you make duplicate layers to increase workflow or to temporarily create a 'backup' layer. A power duplicate feature also allows you to duplicate and repeatedly transform layer contents.
Layers panel before and after layer duplication.To duplicate:
Do one of the following:
On the Layers panel, -click a layer or group and select Duplicate.
On the page, drag a selected layer with the pressed. While dragging, release the key to move the layer instead, or press the key while moving to duplicate rather than move.
Power duplicate
If you duplicate a layer(s) and then transform the duplicated contents, you can immediately duplicate the layer containing the transformed content. The transform is applied accumulatively to subsequent duplicates.
(A) original content, (B) original content duplicated and rotated, (C) transformed duplicate duplicated numerous times.To power duplicate:
Select the layer(s).
From the Layer menu, select Duplicate.
Transform the duplicated layer content.
From the Layer menu, select Duplicate. A duplicate is created and the transform is automatically applied to the duplicate.
Repeat step 4 to create more duplicates with the transform accumulatively applied.
Duplicating selections
If you have made a selection, you can immediately duplicate the selected content into a new layer (or layers).
To duplicate selected content:
Select content within the layer(s).
From the Layer menu, select Duplicate Selection.
The selected content will be duplicated into a new layer. If content has been selected across multiple layers, the content will be duplicated into multiple separate new layers.