Transform Studio Transform Studio

When selected, objects can be precisely manipulated using the Transform Studio. You can also precisely size and position slices created in Export Persona using the Studio.

About the Transform Studio

The Transform Studio lets you reorder, flip, rotate, resize, reposition or shear objects precisely. In addition, you can align and distribute objects precisely.

All resizing and repositioning is carried out in relation to a defined anchor point—corner, edge midpoint or centre—allowing the selected object or layer's position, width, height, rotation angle and shear to be adjusted.

Transform Studio
The Transform Studio showing settings applied to an object.

The following controls are found on the Transform Studio:

Using alignment options

The Alignment Options section offers the following controls:

Using constraints

Top and right anchoring applied, horizontal scaling activated, vertical scaling deactivated, and Max Fit applied.

The outer box represents the container (parent object). The inner box represents the nested content (child object).

The Constraints section offers the following controls: