Vector lines, curves and shapes are easily edited using the Node Tool.
To edit lines, curves and shapes:
From the Designer Persona, select the Node Tool.
Tap to select the line, curve or shape.
Do one of the following to change the curvature of segments:
Tap a node (a) and drag to reposition.
Drag a control handle (b) to accentuate or lessen curvature.
Tap anywhere on a line segment (c) and drag.
To copy control handle length/direction from another curve's node:
Drag a node from one curve directly over another curve's node and release. After a long press, the node's control handles will match that of the 'target' node.
To convert nodes to a different type:
Select the node(s) you want to change and select one of the node types on the context toolbar; choose from Sharp, Smooth or Smart.
With a node selected, hold a finger down and tap an adjacent node's control handle to change that node's type to a sharp node, creating a cusp in the line.
To add nodes:
With the curve selected, tap at the point where you want the node to be added.
To delete a selected node:
From the context toolbar, tap Delete.
To close curves:
Do one of the following:
Select the curve and then Close on the context toolbar.
Drag the end node and drop on top of the start node when the pointer changes.
To break (split) curves:
Select the node at the point at which you want the curve to break and then Break on the context toolbar.
To smooth curves:
Select Smooth on the context toolbar. This modifies a line or shape, by adding and removing nodes automatically around inflection points.
To join separate curves:
With the Node Tool enabled, hold down a secondary finger and tap two separate curves.
Tap Join on the context toolbar. A straight line segment connects between the two curves.
To reverse curves:
Select Reverse on the context toolbar. The start node becomes active, ready for further drawing from the opposite end of the curve.