Quick Menu

The Quick Menu provides access to commonly used commands by swiping three fingers down on the document view.

Quick Menu
The Quick Menu for a selected shape.

The Quick Menu's structure

Commands on the Quick Menu are divided into two groups.

The upper group contains Duplicate, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Style and Delete.

The lower group contains nine large buttons. The commands shown in this group are context-sensitive, depending on the active Persona and what is selected.

Quick Menu customization
Customizing one of the Quick Menu's context-sensitive buttons.

Command customization and availability

You can tailor the commands in the lower group to better suit your needs. The large buttons can be rearranged and, in each context, alternative commands can be assigned from a list.

Some commands are available even when nothing is selected. For example, Select All.

When one or more objects are selected, available commands include Group, Rasterize and Convert to Curves.

To open the Quick Menu:

Do one of the following:

To use the Quick Menu:
  1. In the document view, set the appropriate context.
  2. Open the Quick Menu.
  3. Tap the command you wish to perform.
To assign/remove a command to/from a large button:
  1. In the document view, set the appropriate context.
  2. Open the Quick Menu and long press one of its large buttons.
  3. From the list that appears, do one of the following:
    • Select the command you wish to assign. (Only currently unassigned commands are listed.)
    • Select Blank to remove the current command.
To swap the positions of two large buttons:
  1. In the document view, set the appropriate context.
  2. On the Quick Menu, long press a large button.
  3. When the large buttons begin to jiggle, drag the button over another large button and then drop.
To reset the commands assigned to large buttons:
  1. In the document view, set the appropriate context.
  2. On the Quick Menu, long press a large button.
  3. From the list that appears, do one of the following:
    • Select Reset to set the button to its factory default command for the current context.
    • Select Reset All to revert all buttons to their factory default commands for the current context.