Rotating and shearing objects

Objects can be rotated and sheared using the Move Tool and Transform panel.

Before and after rotate applied.
Move Tool To rotate objects:
  1. With the Move Tool or on the Layers panel, select one or more objects.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the document view, drag the selection's rotation handle.
    • On the Transform panel, drag Rotation. Using this option, you can also change the Anchor to determine which point of the object to rotate around.
To rotate objects to same:
  1. Select multiple objects, ensuring the object previously rotated is selected first. To do this, use -tap to target it first or a marquee selection that encompasses it first.
  2. Match Rotation On the Transform panel, tap Alignment Options, then set a Make Same option, choosing to size to Rotation.
To rotate objects to a targeted rotated key object:
  1. Select multiple objects.
  2. With the modifier pressed on the hardware keyboard or Command Controller, tap the target rotated object. The selected key object will possess a strong outline.
  3. Match Rotation On the Transform panel, tap Alignment Options, then set a Make Same option, choosing to size to Rotation.
Move Tool To shear objects:
  1. Either with the Move Tool or on the Layers panel, select one or more objects.
  2. On the Transform panel, drag Shear.
To undo the rotation/shear:

Do one of the following:

Move Options Enable Transform Origin To move the transform origin:
  1. Either with the Move Tool or on the Layers panel, select one or more objects.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the Transform panel, select an Anchor point.
    • On the Move Tool's context toolbar, tap Move Options, select Enable Transform Origin and then drag the selection's transform origin from the selection's centre to a new position.

Once you've moved the origin, the Transform panel also rotates/shears about it unless you override the origin by tapping an Anchor point on the panel.

To reset the transform origin back to its original position: