Copying and pasting objects

The Edit menu provides multiple ways to copy and paste objects. Pasted objects can include/exclude specific copied object properties.

Paste options

(A) Paste, (B) Paste Inside, (C) Paste Style (Stroke, Fill and Outer Shadow), (D) Paste FX (Outer Shadow layer effect only).

About copying

You can copy content throughout your Affinity app or externally in third-party apps. Copying needs to be followed by a paste command to add the content to the target page.

About pasting

As well as the commonly used Paste command, other paste commands can be used to selectively control which object properties will be included with/excluded from the pasted content.

Paste option Description
Paste Pastes objects, preserving the copied object's look and formatting.
Paste Inside Pastes an object inside another object.
Paste Without Format Pastes unformatted text by stripping the formatting from the copied text. When pasted, the target text will retain its text formatting.
Paste Style Pastes an object's stroke, fill and layer effect(s) to another object.
Paste FX Pastes only layer effect(s) to another object.
To copy objects:
  1. Select one or more objects.
  2. On the Edit menu, tap Copy.
To paste objects:
  1. Select one or more objects.
  2. On the Edit menu, tap one of the paste options.