Transforming lines, curves and shapes

Just as objects can be transformed, the nodes of lines, curves and shapes can be transformed too.

node transform before
node transform after

Node transformation works by forming a selection box around selected nodes. In doing so the box can be transformed in the same way that an object's selection box can be. Nodes will be repositioned relative to each other.

Node Tool Transform Mode To transform multiple nodes:
  1. With the Node Tool, select one or more nodes on a curve or shape.
  2. On the context toolbar, enable Transform Mode.
  3. Resize, rotate and skew either directly on the curve or shape using selection box handles or use the Transform panel for absolute precision.
Transform Mode To transform shapes for a simple distortion effect:
  1. Select two nodes on the shape previously converted to curves.
  2. Enter Transform Mode.
  3. With two fingers held down, drag any selected node inwards or outwards.

This is particularly effective on simple shapes such as rectangles.

perspective on shapes