Index panel

The Index panel allows you to generate and structure an index for your document.

About the Index panel

From the Index panel, you can create an index, topics and insert index marks directly onto your page, as well as generate and insert your index in your document.

The panel also lets you manage all aspects of index management from a single location.

Index panel and Index Options section

The Index panel and its Index Options section.


The following settings are available on the panel:

Index Options

The panel's Index Options section contains a number of options that affect how the generated index looks. Any alterations made to the following options will be reflected immediately in the document:

Below the Index panel options is a preview of the index, listing all of the topics and sub topics in the form of a tree diagram. Under each topic, all of the index marks for that topic are listed, complete with the page number they appear on and a few words of the surrounding text.