Rotating and shearing objects

Objects can be rotated and sheared using the Move Tool and Transform panel. For page layout, this is especially useful for transforming text titles.

Rotate and shear
(A) Rotated title, (B) Rotated title letter, (C) Sheared title letter.
Move Tool To rotate objects:
  1. With the Move Tool or on the Layers panel, select one or more objects.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the document view, drag the selection's rotation handle.
    • On the Transform panel, drag Rotation. Using this option, you can also change the Anchor to determine which point of the object to rotate around.
To rotate objects to same:
  1. Select multiple objects, ensuring the object previously rotated is selected first. To do this, use -tap to target it first or a marquee selection that encompasses it first.
  2. Match Rotation On the Transform panel, tap Alignment Options, then set a Make Same option, choosing to size to Rotation.
To rotate objects to a targeted rotated key object:
  1. Select multiple objects.
  2. With the modifier pressed on the hardware keyboard or Command Controller, tap the target rotated object. The selected key object will possess a strong outline.
  3. Match Rotation On the Transform panel, tap Alignment Options, then set a Make Same option, choosing to size to Rotation.
Move Tool To shear objects:
  1. Either with the Move Tool or on the Layers panel, select one or more objects.
  2. On the Transform panel, drag Shear.
To undo the rotation/shear:

Do one of the following:

Move Options Enable Transform Origin To move the transform origin:
  1. Either with the Move Tool or on the Layers panel, select one or more objects.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the Transform panel, select an Anchor point.
    • On the Move Tool's context toolbar, tap Move Options, select Enable Transform Origin and then drag the selection's transform origin from the selection's center to a new position.

Once you've moved the origin, the Transform panel also rotates/shears about it unless you override the origin by tapping an Anchor point on the panel.

To reset the transform origin back to its original position: