Exporting add-ons

Custom content (with the exception of fonts) can be exported as an add-on file to share with other people or import into your other apps.

To export add-ons

For any type of add-on listed in the table below, follow the corresponding steps, then browse to where you want to export your add-on as a file and tap Save.

Add-on type File extensions To export
Assets .afassets

On the Assets panel:

  1. Select the category to export.
  2. Select Export Category from the Panel Preferences menu.
Document templates .aftemplate Open the required document, select Export As Template from the Document menu, name your template, then tap Save.
Styles .afstyles

On the Layer FX panel:

  1. Tap Styles.
  2. Select the category to export.
  3. Select Export Styles from the Panel Preferences menu.
Swatches palettes .afpalette

On the Color panel:

  1. Tap Swatches.
  2. Select the application palette to export.
  3. Select Export Palette from the Panel Preferences menu.