Export Settings

Each file format available on the Export dialog offers a variety of settings that affect the resulting file(s).

The available settings are determined by the file format that is selected at the top of the dialog.

General settings

The following settings are available for all file formats.

Preset—sets predefined export options for a range of common file formats, colour modes, and bit depths. Select from the pop-up menu.

Filename—tap and edit to define a new name for the exported file.

Resample—select which resampling method to use if the image is to be upsampled or downsampled on export.

The following resample settings are available:

  • Nearest Neighbour—simple resampling which has the fastest processing time. Use for hard-edge images.
  • Bilinear—algorithmic resampling for use when shrinking images.
  • Bicubic—algorithmic resampling for use when enlarging images. Resampling is smoother than Bilinear but has a slower processing time.
  • Lanczos 3—complex algorithmic resampling which gives the best results but with the longest processing time. Available as 'separable' and 'non-separable'; the latter gives marginally better results, but is slightly slower than 'separable'.

Area—instead of exporting All spreads or All Pages, you can export the Current Spread (with Facing pages enabled) or Current Page. Additionally, you can opt to export only the currently selected object. The selected object may be exported with or without its background using the Selection Area or Selection Only options.

Multi-format settings

Availability of the following settings depends on the selected file format. Each setting is available for multiple file formats, as indicated.

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By default, displays the native dimensions of your image. Type value(s) to set an alternative width and/or height for your exported image.


Lock aspect ratio—when selected (default), the image's native aspect ratio is honoured. If this option is off, the exported image's width and height can be set independently.

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Select an option for rasterising page elements which are unsupported by the file format. Select from the pop-up menu:

  • Nothing—no elements within the publication are rasterised on export, therefore unsupported elements are not included in the exported file.
  • Everything—all elements within the design are rasterised for a resulting exported file which perfectly matches your original publication.
  • Unsupported properties—only unsupported elements are rasterised in the exported file.
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Downsample images above

Choose whether to downsample raster images within the design.

When selected, if the adjacent DPI setting is exceeded by raster design elements, those elements will be rasterised down to this set DPI.

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Pixel Format

Sets the colour mode for the exported image. Select from the pop-up menu.

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Use document resolution

Ensures the export is the same DPI as the current project's setting.

When unselected, use the adjacent DPI setting to override the current publication's resolution setting for the export.

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Allow JPEG compression

When selected, rasterised design elements will be compressed to decrease exported file size. If this option is off, rasterised design elements will be exported as uncompressed.

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Sets the resulting quality of rasterised design elements in the exported image—or the overall image in the JPEG format's case. Higher quality may result in significantly larger file sizes.

For the JPEG format, this is an independent setting. For the other formats, it is dependent on the Allow JPEG compression option being active.

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When the adjacent switch is on, sets the background colour against which transparent pages are composited in the exported file(s). Select a colour from the pop-up panel. When the switch is turned off, the colour has no effect and transparency is preserved in the exported file(s).

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Profile / ICC Profile

By default, this is set to the ICC profile of the project (document). However, the project's ICC profile can be overwritten for the export area. Select from the pop-up menu.

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Embed ICC Profile

When selected, the ICC profile is included within the exported image's data, allowing the image to be viewed using the correct profile on any device. If this option is off, the viewing device must possess the ICC profile otherwise a substitute profile is used.

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Include bleed

When selected, the bleed area of your document, if set, will be included in the output. See related note in description of Printers marks.

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By default, this is set to be automatically determined. However, you can specify an encoding palette yourself. Select from the pop-up menu.

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Selects the number of colours available in the palette. Select from the pop-up menu.

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Relative coordinates

When selected, objects in the exported file have relative positions for maximum editability. If this option is off, object positions are fixed to create a file which is optimised for viewing.

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Embed metadata

When selected, any raster image's original metadata is preserved in the exported file. If this option is off, all original metadata is removed; use this for privacy reasons or to reduce file size (for web use).

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By default, this is set to ZIP. For TIFF, options to apply LZW compression or no compression are available. For EXR, options include RLE, PIZ and PXR24.

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Settings unique to format

The following settings are available only for the file format you have selected above.

Settings unique to PNG format

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When selected, encodes the exported image by mapping it to the Palette and Colours settings.

Primaries (32-bit HDR PNG only)

Provides a full set of WCG BT primaries.

Transfer function (32-bit HDR PNG only)

HDR formats such as PQ, HLG and BT.709 are supported.

32-bit HDR PNGs (PNG specification - Third edition) are used for interchanging HDR broadcast imagery in a lossless format. A growing range of video editing apps now support this PNG file format, as well as the Google Chrome web browser.

The cICP chunk in this format allows the image to be tagged and processed with various video-centric colour spaces (Primaries), which is more robust for broadcast workflows where the imagery needs to integrate seamlessly with video content.

Full Range (32-bit HDR PNG only)

When enabled, the entire dynamic range is used for the PNG, rather than being compressed.

Settings unique to JPEG format

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When selected, the exported image is progressively compressed for optimized viewing when downloading.

Settings unique to TIFF format

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Save Affinity layers

Layers in the document are preserved in the exported TIFF image. These layers will only be readable when the file is opened in an Affinity app.

Settings unique to PDF format

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Tagged PDF

When selected, alt text added to objects using the Tags panel will be included in the exported file.

Embed profile

When selected (default), the chosen (or document's) colour profile will be embedded in the exported file. If this option is off, the exported file will not have the colour profile embedded with it (the viewing device will need to have the appropriate colour profile installed to view the exported PDF accurately).

Embed Fonts

Select an option for handling fonts used in the document.

  • Text as curves—all text is converted to curves. This ensures the resulting exported file will display correctly regardless of the fonts installed on the viewing device.
  • All fonts—any fonts used in the document are embedded in the exported file. This ensures the resulting exported file will display correctly regardless of the fonts installed on the viewing device.
  • Uncommon fonts—fonts used are only embedded in the exported file if they are not part of the fonts traditionally installed on most devices. The viewing device must have the expected fonts installed to view any common fonts in the exported file.
  • No fonts—no fonts are embedded in the exported file. A viewing device must have all the used fonts installed to accurately view the exported file.
Subset fonts

When selected, embedded fonts will only include the glyphs used in the document. If this option is off, all glyphs for the used fonts are embedded in the exported file, regardless of whether they appear in the document or not.

Include layers

When selected, the PDF output will include all created layers (except invisible/hidden layers unless the corresponding setting is also selected).

Include invisible layers

When selected, layers at the top hierarchical level that are hidden and contain child layers that are not hidden will be included in the PDF output as invisible layers.

Include hyperlinks

When selected, hyperlinks in your Publisher document are included in the PDF. Copies of linked files will be created alongside the PDF if their hyperlink's Include file on export setting is ticked.

Colour Space

Choose whether to use the document's current colour space or export using a selected colour space. Select from the pop-up menu.


Sets the version and type of PDF to be exported. Select one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • PDF 2.0 (ISO 32000-2)
  • PDF 1.7 (Acrobat 8)
  • PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7)
  • PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6)
  • PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5)
  • PDF/X-1a:2003
  • PDF/X-3:2003
  • PDF/X-4
Allow advanced features

When selected, all design features supported by the PDF file format are exported as vectors. If this option is off, depending on the nature of these features, they are rasterised or converted to curves on export. These features include:

  • Artistic text which has been horizontally or vertically stretched.
  • Text which has an applied stroke.
  • Linear and radial gradients.
  • Non-solid transparencies.
Include bookmarks

When selected, PDF bookmarks defined in the Anchors panel are included in the PDF output.

Convert image colour spaces

When selected, all placed images will convert to the colour space chosen on export (as set in the ICC Profile option). If this option is off, the colour space of the imported placed image is honoured.

Honour spot colours

When selected, spot colours within the design are exported as spot colours. If this option is off, spot colours are converted to an equivalent colour within the exported file's colour space (see above).

Overprint black

When selected, design elements which use CMYK black are set to overprint. If this option is off, CMYK black elements are set to be indistinguishable to other colours during printing.

Printers marks

When selected, the PDF output will show printer marks around the page edge. All printer marks are added by default. However, particular types of printer marks can be switched off, depending on your preference. These include:

  • Crop marks
  • Registration marks
  • Colour bars
  • Page information
Require password to open

When selected, the Open password will be required to open the PDF. When unselected, anyone can open the PDF.

Open password

With Require password to open selected, type the password that will be required to decrypt and view the PDF.

Require password for modification and printing

When selected, the Permissions Password will be required to perform actions that you have chosen not to openly allow for the PDF, and to place the PDF in Affinity documents. When unselected, anyone can print, modify, copy from and place the PDF.

Permissions password

With Require password for modification and printing selected, type the permissions password for the PDF.

Allow document printing

When selected, anyone who can open the PDF can print it. When unselected, the PDF can be printed only by providing the permissions password.

Allow content modification

When selected, anyone who can open the PDF can modify its content. When unselected, the PDF's content can be modified only by providing the permissions password.

Enable copying of content

When selected, anyone who can open the PDF can selectively copy content from it. When unselected, content can be copied only by providing the permissions password.


Indicates the type of encryption that will be applied to the PDF, if you have chosen to require an Open password or a Permissions password. The encryption type is determined by the Compatibility setting.

Settings unique to PSD format

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Rasterise all layers

When selected, layer content is rasterised in the exported file (the layer structure is retained). If this option is off, no rasterisation takes place on export.

Compatibility mode

When selected, the exported file will be compatible with other apps which do not support some features (file size may also increase). If this option is off, the exported file may not be readable by other apps (depending on the features used in the image).

Smallest file sizes

When selected, the exported file will be compressed where possible but may not be readable by other apps. If this option is off, no compression will take place for the exported file.


This setting offers two strategies for how to export this specific project attribute. Select from the pop-up menu.

  • Preserve accuracy—the listed attribute will be rasterised to preserve its intended design.
  • Preserve editability—the listed attribute will be exported with its original settings to allow for easy editing.

This setting offers two strategies for how to export this specific project attribute. Select from the pop-up menu.

  • Preserve accuracy—the listed attribute will be rasterised to preserve its intended design.
  • Preserve editability—the listed attribute will be exported with its original settings to allow for easy editing.

This setting offers two strategies for how to export this specific project attribute. Select from the pop-up menu.

  • Preserve accuracy—the listed attribute will be rasterised to preserve its intended design.
  • Preserve editability—the listed attribute will be exported with its original settings to allow for easy editing.
Advanced Blending

This setting offers two strategies for how to export this specific project attribute. Select from the pop-up menu.

  • Preserve accuracy—the listed attribute will be rasterised to preserve its intended design.
  • Preserve editability—the listed attribute will be exported with its original settings to allow for easy editing.
Layer Effects

This setting offers two strategies for how to export this specific project attribute. Select from the pop-up menu.

  • Preserve accuracy—the listed attribute will be rasterised to preserve its intended design.
  • Preserve editability—the listed attribute will be exported with its original settings to allow for easy editing.

Settings unique to SVG format

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Text as curves

When selected, the text in the resulting file will be drawn as curves (therefore displaying precisely as intended, even if viewed on a device without the used fonts installed). However, this option will increase file size, and text won't be editable as text or available to "text to speech" in other apps. If this option is off, text will be exported as text and the viewing device will need the used fonts installed for it to be displayed correctly.

Long text spans

When selected, text is placed relative to previous lines of text (therefore producing smaller file sizes and simpler file structures). If this option is off, text is placed with absolute coordinates

Hex colours

When selected, colours in the exported file are expressed as RGB Hex values (therefore reducing file size but less human-readable). If this option is off, colours are exported as standard RGB values.

Flatten transforms

When selected, transformed objects are 'fixed' in the exported file. This allows for the file to be viewed more accurately across apps. If this option is off, objects remain dynamically transformed to allow for more flexible editing.

Use tile patterns

When selected, rasterised areas may be converted to a vector shape with a filled bitmap to give smoother, sharper edges. However, this might not be supported by some apps. If this option is off, objects will exist as singular elements within the exported file.

Set view box

When selected, the exported file includes coordinates and dimensions which define the view box of the image. If this option is off, no view box data is included in the exported file. The export area is used to define the view box.

Add line breaks

When selected, the code in the exported file will be optimized for human viewing and reading. If this option is off, the image will be exported with code on a single line which will make the file size significantly smaller.

Settings unique to EPS format

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PostScript level

Sets the version of the exported PostScript file. Select from the pop-up menu.

Minimise size

When selected (default), the exported file will be compressed to create the smallest file size possible.

Settings unique to EXR format

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Image Pixels

Choose whether to encode Image channels (RGBA etc) as 16-bit (half float) or 32-bit (full float).

Spacial Pixels

Choose whether to encode Spatial channels (XYZ etc) as 16-bit (half float) or 32-bit (full float).

Other Pixels

Choose whether to encode other/undetermined channels as 16-bit (half float) or 32-bit (full float).

Colour profile from name

This is dependent on OpenColorIO. With a valid configuration, appending the filename during export will convert to that colour space from scene linear. For example, name your file output acescg.exr to convert to ACEScg if your OCIO configuration lists that as a valid colour space.

Multi channel

When exporting to OpenEXR format, converts layers with affixes—e.g. .RGB or .RGBA after the layer's name—back to multi channel data.

Include unknown channels

When turned on, channels whose type cannot be determined will still be exported as a single luminance-based channel.

Settings unique to WEBP format

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When turned on, the newer, lossless WebP compression algorithm is used.