Image layers

Placed images will automatically be added to the Layers panel as an image layer. This includes files that are dragged and dropped onto the document, placed via the Place command, or placed by any other method.

Image layer

A placed image.

Image layers retain all of the data from the original image, which remains intact when the document is exported.

An image layer is a container which retains the placed image's original colour space, resolution and physical dimensions (when placed at native resolution).

Image layers can be recoloured much like an opened image or a pixel layer. If an image layer is drawn on, the layer will be rasterised and will adopt pixel layer properties. Rasterisation is required to convert the image to the document's colour space.

Place Tool To place content:
  1. Select the Place Tool.
  2. On the dialog that appears, do one of the following:
    • Tap Place from Files, navigate to and select the files you wish to place, then tap Open.
    • Tap Place from Photos, navigate to and tap the photos you wish to place, then tap Add.
To convert an image layer to a pixel layer:

Do one of the following: