
The built-in spell checker ensures the text in your design is perfect before being published.

There are several ways to interact with the spell checker, including using the Spelling dialog or searching for and handling spelling errors directly on the page.


The following options are available from the Spelling dialog (spell checker):

To check spelling:

From the Text menu, from the Spelling submenu, select one or more of the following:

To correct a misspelt word on the page:

You'll also be able to Ignore Spelling, Learn Spelling (Add to dictionary) and Lookup word from the pop-up menu.

To ignore a misspelt word on the page:
  1. Select the misspelt word.
  2. From the Text menu, from the Spelling submenu, select Ignore Misspelt Word.

Installing alternative spelling dictionaries

Spelling dictionaries are installed for the languages supported by Affinity apps, except for Chinese and Japanese. To install for these languages do the following:

  1. Visit the OpenOfficeâ„¢ website and download the appropriate language dictionary or try an internet search for "spelling dictionaries".
  2. Create a language code folder (e.g., ja_JA) in C:\ProgramData\Affinity\Common\2.0\Dictionaries and copy the downloaded dictionary files into this folder.
  3. Restart app.