
Hyphenation can be accomplished automatically by using auto-hyphenation. This feature recognizes and corrects lines which would otherwise be too ragged or use overly large word spacing, which results in a better fitting and neater frame text. You can also introduce your own hyphens manually at hyphenation points in your frame text.


About hyphenation

As defined by the language-specific hyphenation dictionary, words have pre-defined hyphenation points at which hyphenation will occur. Each hyphenation point has a value weighting associated with it. For example, the hyphenation point in the middle of the word yellow (to produce the word "yel-low") has a score value of 1, i.e yel1low; for "acc-ommo-date" the values are acc2ommo5date. Setting a Minimum Score value to a larger number (e.g., 3) will hyphenate less often.

Affinity Publisher can also prevent splitting words that are too short, or leaving too few characters at front or back.

Hyphenation zones can be applied which affect how ragged or loose text can be. Hyphenation points will be ignored if they fall within these hyphenation zones. Thus setting a wider zone will hyphenate less often. The zones are measured back from the right indent of the frame text, ignoring alignment or justification.

There are several types of hyphenation zone that can be applied in different situations; they work in combination. You can prevent hyphenation in these situations by setting these zones to a very large number (e.g. 100cm), or you can set a smaller number so that hyphenation can still be used if the text would be very ragged or loose without it.

Hyphens can also be inserted into specific words irrespective of whether auto-hyphenation is enabled or not. Perhaps a word you are using breaks onto a new line at the wrong place—an inserted hyphenation point in the word will force the word to always break at that hyphenation point (the hyphen will display automatically).

Successful hyphenation relies on:

To change hyphenation language:

By default, the currently set Spelling language is used for hyphenation.

To enable/disable auto-hyphenation:
To change auto-hyphenation settings:
To insert a soft or non-breaking hyphen:

To remove a hyphen, select the hyphen and press the .