Find and replace

You can search text for as little as a specific character or for long, complex phrases.

Search terms and replacement text can include inbuilt or custom fields, and you can specify formatting that must be applied to existing text or that you wish to apply to its replacement.

To use Find and Replace:
  1. On the Text menu, select Find.
  2. On the Find and Replace panel, do one of the following:
    • To find text: Type the text to be found in the Find box and its replacement text (if any) in the Replace with box.
    • Presets Icon To find formatting: Select Formatting and then select a Format (from dialog), Character Style or Paragraph Style.
  3. Select the Scope to search: Document, Section, Spread, Page, Story or Selection.
  4. Select Find to display a list of results at the bottom of the panel. The number of matching results is shown next to the Scope setting.
  5. (Optional) Select any result in the list to focus the document view on the corresponding text on its page.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Select Replace to replace the selected result in your document using the settings specified in the Replace with setting. Repeat from the previous step as required.
    • Select Replace All to replace every instance listed.
Formatting To use regular expressions:
  1. On the Find setting's Formatting menu, select Regular Expression or Locale Aware Regular Expression.
  2. Type a regular expression in the Find box.