Special characters and glyphs

Special characters and glyphs can be added to your text from any font installed on your computer.

Commonly used items, such as the non-breaking space, non-breaking hyphen and zero-width space, can be inserted via the Text menu.

Additional characters/glyphs can be inserted via the Glyph Browser panel, which allows you to insert glyphs, Unicode characters or Unicode characters with alternates.

Alternatively, you can type a character's Unicode character code or glyph ID (GID) and then tell Affinity to convert it to the actual character.

Commonly used characters available via Text>Insert, each with its Unicode character code where available:

Category name Character name Displayed character Unicode character code
Symbols Bullet U+2022
Dagger U+2020
Double Dagger U+2021
Ellipsis U+2026
Inverted Question Mark ¿ U+00BF
Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ U+00A1
Copyright © U+00A9
Trademark U+2122
Registered Trademark ® U+00AE
Paragraph Marker U+00B6
Section Marker § U+00A7
Maths Plus Minus ± U+00B1
Multiply × U+00D7
Divide ÷ U+00F7
Approximately Equal U+2248
Not Equal U+2260
Less Than or Equal U+2264
Greater Than or Equal U+2265
Degree ° U+00B0
Per Mille U+2030
Pi π U+03C0
Infinity U+221E
Quotation Marks Double Left Quote U+201C
Double Right Quote U+201D
Single Left Quote U+2018
Single Right Quote U+2019
Double Base Quote U+201E
Single Base Quote U+201A
Left Guillemet « U+00AB
Right Guillemet » U+00BB
Single Left Guillemet U+2039
Single Right Guillemet U+203A
Dashes and Hyphens Em Dash U+2014
En Dash U+2013
Figure Dash U+2012
Soft Hyphen U+00AD
Non-Breaking Hyphen U+2011
Spaces and Tabs Em Space U+2003
En Space U+2002
Non-Breaking Space U+00A0
Narrow Non-Breaking Space U+202F
Zero Width Space U+200B
Hair Space U+200A
Sixth Space U+2006
Thin Space U+2009
Quarter Space U+2005
Third Space U+2004
Punctuation Space U+2008
Figure Space U+2007
Zero-Width Non-Joiner U+200C
Tab U+0009
Right Indent Tab
Indent to Here
Breaks Line Break U+2028
Column Break
Frame Break
Page Break U+000C
Odd Page Break
Even Page Break

Other characters you may encounter while editing text:

Character name Unicode character code
Zero-Width Joiner U+200D
Paragraph Break
End of Story
Pin position
Index mark
To add commonly used special characters/glyphs:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. On the Text menu, select Insert, then select the required category and special character.
To show special characters (paragraph marks, spaces and breaks) in text:
To insert characters using the Glyph Browser panel:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. On the Window menu, select Text>Glyph Browser.
  3. Select a Font, Font style and Subset from the pop-up menu options.
  4. Double-click a glyph to add it at the insertion point.
To insert a character using its glyph ID or Unicode character code:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For a glyph ID: Type 'G+' then enter the required character's ID (in hex), e.g. '02F5' or '2F5'.
    • For a Unicode character code: Type 'U+' then the required character code (in hex), e.g. '0040', '040' or '40'.
  3. Convert the typed code/ID to the required character by selecting Text>Toggle Unicode.