
Affinity Publisher can alter the capitalisation of selected words to suit one of several use cases.

Capitalisation transformations are available from the Text>Capitalisation menu.

Dynamic transformations

Items in the menu's first group are applied dynamically; letters are stored in your document with the capitalisation used to type them and Affinity Publisher changes how they are displayed on the fly.

Dynamic capitalisation transformations

An example sentence as typed (A) and with (B) Small Caps and (C) All Caps dynamic transformations applied.

Persistent transformations

Items in the second group make a lasting change to how the selected words are stored in your document:

Persistent capitalisation transformations

An example sentence with (D) Lower Case, (E) Upper Case, (F) Toggle Case, (G) Title Case and (H) Sentence Case transformations applied.

Title Exceptions

In Affinity Publisher's settings, select Title Exceptions. The list here contains short prepositions, conjunctions, articles, and any other words you do not want to be altered when the Title Case transformation is applied.

Use the pop-up menu to set different title exceptions for each of Affinity Publisher's supported languages. The list used when the Title Case transformation is applied depends on text's language setting, indicated by the Spelling setting in the Character panel's Language section.

About the Title Case transformation

When the Title Case transformation is applied, words in your text selection are affected as follows (in order):

1 Words with upper-case letters past their first are unaffected on the first application of the Title Case transformation. Applying the transformation a second time makes their first letter upper case and all others lower case.

2 When your text selection contains multiple sentences, rules concerning first words apply to each word that appears after a line break, paragraph break or appropriate punctuation.

To add a title exception:
  1. Select Affinity Publisher>Settings (or >Preferences).
  2. Select Edit>Settings.
  3. Select Title Exceptions.
  4. From the pop-up menu, select the language to which the exception will apply.
  5. In the box below, type the lower-case word you want to remain unchanged (except when it is the first word).
  6. Click Add.
To remove a title exception:
  1. Select Affinity Publisher>Settings (or >Preferences).
  2. Select Edit>Settings.
  3. Select Title Exceptions.
  4. From the pop-up menu, select the language to which the exception applies.
  5. In the list of exceptions, select the word you want to remove.
  6. Click Remove.