Grouping objects

Objects can be grouped together to assist with design composition. One or more groups can also belong to a 'parent' group.

Grouped objects

Grouped objects remain together so they can be easily selected, moved, copied, and edited as if they are a single object.

Groups, and nested groups, can be broken apart at a later date into their separate components or objects. Ungrouping can be activated on individual groups, or across multiple or nested groups using a single command.

Furthermore, a group can be converted to layer at a later date (if needed) to assist with design organization.

Resizing a group will maintain the aspect ratio by default, the opposite of resizing an individual object. Use the to size unconstrained.

To create a group:
  1. Select multiple objects.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the context toolbar, click Group.
    • From the Layer menu, select Group.
To ungroup objects:
  1. Select the group.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the context toolbar, click Ungroup.
    • From the Layer menu, select Ungroup.
To release a grouped object:
  1. Select the object you wish to move out of the group.
  2. Right click the object and from the menu, choose Release.
To ungroup all grouped objects:
  1. Select grouped objects.
  2. From the Layer menu, select Ungroup All.
To select objects (or groups) in a group:
To promote a group to a layer: