
When you save your document all project information is preserved, allowing you to edit it at a later date. The publication is saved as a single file with the extension .afpub.

The first time you save your document, you'll be asked to give the project a name and save location. Following this, future saves will overwrite the previous version.

Optionally, you can save a current project as a new project. In this case, the new file will not overwrite the saved version.

Unsaved changes to a document are indicated by [Modified] to the right of the document's name at the top of its tab/window.

Unsaved changes to a document are indicated by [Modified] or [M] to the right of the document's name at the top of its tab/window, and (in Normal mode) by a star to the right of the current document's name at the top of Affinity Publisher's window.

To save as a new project:
  1. From the File menu, select Save As.
  2. Adjust the dialog settings as required.
  3. Click Save.
To save the current project:
To save the current project as a template:
  • From the File menu, select Save As.
  • Save your file with a .aftemplate extension.
To save history with a document:
  1. From the File menu, select Save History With Document.
  2. In the Saving With History dialog, click Yes to accept the conditions discussed in the dialog.
  3. Save your document.