The Assets panel acts as an area for storing layout elements which you can then access from any Affinity Publisher document. By default, the panel is populated with design elements for developing publications.
Assets are listed in the Assets panel in the order in which they were added. However, you can manually reorder assets in the panel by dragging them.
Remember to hold down the as you drag the asset.
The Assets panel.
The following options are available in the panel:
Category—displays the currently active category. Select from the pop-up menu.
Subcategory—displays all assets in that subcategory. Click a subcategory's title to collapse or expand the subcategory.
Search—allows you to narrow down the assets in the panel to those with names which conform to the search criteria. Type directly in the text box.
The following options are available from Panel Preferences:
Create New Category—adds a new, custom assets category to the panel.
Rename Category—allows you to rename the currently selected category.
Delete Category—removes the currently selected category (and all its assets) from the panel.
Sort Categories By—allows you to sort assets categories by Name or Date Added.
Create Subcategory—adds a new subcategory to the currently selected category.
Import Assets—adds a new category to the panel pre-populated with subcategories and assets.
Export Assets—creates an *.afassets file containing the assets and subcategory structure from the currently selected category.
Embed in current document—embeds the assets in your Assets Panel into your current document so that they can be accessed when opening the document later on a different computer (or on the same computer if assets were deleted). On opening a document with embedded assets, you're prompted if you want to import assets to your Assets Panel, making them available to all documents.
Show As List—if this option is off (default), assets are displayed as thumbnails in a grid with tooltips displaying their name. When selected, assets are displayed as named thumbnails in a list.
The following options are available from subcategory option menus:
Rename—allows you to rename the subcategory.
Delete—removes the subcategory (and all its assets) from the panel.
Move Up—repositions the subcategory above the previous subcategory so it is listed higher in the panel. If this option is greyed out, the subcategory is at the top of the panel.
Move Down—repositions the subcategory below the next subcategory so it is listed lower in the panel. If this option is greyed out, the subcategory is at the bottom of the panel.
Add from Selection—adds all the objects in the current on-page selection to the subcategory as assets. Grouped objects are added as a single asset.